Become a Member

We encourage stakeholders and all interested parties to join the work of expanding opportunities for women and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in the construction industry.

RPAC members shape pre-apprenticeship in the Puget Sound region through our four priorities of outreach, training, retention, and policy.

People talking in wood shop

Who Should Join RPAC?


Access a trained, ready workforce. Influence preparatory training and apprentice retention. Set the trend for productive, safe, inclusive work-sites. Retain apprentices.


Access trained, ready apprentices. Strengthen the quality of incoming apprentices. Establish inclusive, safe training environments. Retain apprentices.


Support career pathways for local African American, Indigenous, People of Color and Women. Create inclusive, productive, safe work-sites. Retain apprentices.


Connect clients to solid careers with benefits, pensions, support services and regular raises.


Access best practices for training, shared resources, coordinated funding and outreach.

Student in wood shop
Charissa Eggleston portrait

“RPAC members have supported me with earning state recognition for our program, supporting our teacher with gaining skilled trades teaching support and have supported our students with exploration, preparation, certifications, internships and employment.”

Charissa Eggleston
Federal Way Public Schools Construction Pre-Apprenticeship Program

Member Benefits

Apply for Membership

Membership Dues

Annual dues of $250 are due by December 1 for the following membership year.


Complete the interest form below and one of our staff will respond within one business week. Applicants are encouraged to attend one or more of our monthly meetings on the last Friday of the month to speak with members and hear about our latest initiatives. Please also view our welcome packet.