About RPAC

The RPAC - Regional Pre-Apprenticeship Collaboration was established in 2016 to build a coordinated, region-wide network to prepare local, under-represented residents for successful construction careers.

The RPAC is specifically committed to rigorous training standards, broad outreach, effective retention services, and policy prioritizing apprenticeship preparation programs and apprenticeship pathways.

The RPAC’s contractors, community, educators, public agencies, apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship leaders are invested in quality training across the region.

Instructor installs concrete in front of student group

What We Do

Our four priorities of outreach, retention, training standards and policy work to provide under-represented job seekers the skills necessary to succeed in the industry and employers the tools to promote healthy and sustainable workplaces.

Group of students in construction class


We build relationships with industry employers to promote the values of diversity and equity in the workforce and work to engage community organizations working with women and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to promote greater access and awareness for construction industry careers.

Group of people talk in wood shop


The policy committee shapes policy changes benefiting Black, Indigenous, People of Color, women, and underserved community members in the Puget Sound region by advocating across the region and the state for policies that advance inclusivity within construction training programs.

Students watch demonstration in wood shop


The training standards committee works with training programs and employers to develop tailored curriculum that promotes equitable access to industry-standard training and a strong foundation for a successful career in the construction sector.

Student in wood shop


By working with employers and community resources, the retention committee identifies support programs and mentorship networks to provide apprentices with the resources necessary for sustainable employment within the construction workforce.

Construction workers outside

Who we serve

The RPAC is a gathering place for all construction training stakeholders around Puget Sound, from employers looking to develop a skilled workforce, meet DEI goals, and implement a company culture sustainable for all community members to pre-apprenticeship providers seeking to stay on the leading edge of training standards and propel their participants into living-wage careers.

We also welcome community members and educational institutions to connect with training programs and apprenticeship opportunities for their clients and public agencies to create inclusive and productive worksites across the region.

One Collaboration, Infinite Possibilities for:

Construction Worker

Job Seekers

The RPAC supports job seekers by improving training curriculum and expanding access within construction training programs to improve job seeker prospects and outcomes within construction careers.

We are lowering barriers to participate and highlighting programs with support services such as free plus support for supplies and wraparound services. We are connecting participants with community resources while in the training program including those that provide housing and materials support.

Connect industry leaders and experts to expand programs and supports for priority hire populations.

Employer in suit


RPAC benefits employers through the expansion of a well-trained applicant pool of primarily women and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, which helps meet corporate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals. Additionally, pre-apprentices enter the workforce with the skills and resources to be successful and employers gain the tools necessary to promote the retention of a skilled and diverse workforce.

RPAC members also provide input for training standards and programs to be able to hire a skilled workforce that meets the technical and human needs of a growing workforce, which helps meet community and DEI requirements.

Teacher at chalkboard

Pre-apprenticeship programs

RPAC provides resources to help students, develop training guidance and standards, as well as support and networking for job placements.

Pre-apprenticeship programs are able to connect with community groups and employers to gain access to program participants and job pipelines for graduates. The collaborative nature of the RPAC also ensures all key stakeholders can provide input on the curriculum elements that best support long-term success in the construction industry.


Our collaborative consists of pre-apprenticeship programs, employers, community organizations, educational institutions, and public agencies: all with a vested interest in the long-term growth of a strong construction industry representative of our larger communities.

Person working at laptop

Board of Directors

The board of directors leads the RPAC and establishes the direction for achieving the organization’s mission and vision.

Construction cranes at dusk


RPAC members collaborate to improve access to construction careers for our priority populations.

Contact us

Thank you for connecting with the RPAC. Please share your connection or interest in the construction industry and we will reach out to see how we can support. In the meantime, please review the resources for pre-apprentices on our Start in Construction page or join our meeting at 8 a.m. on the last Friday of the month at Tabor 100 in Tukwila, located at 7100 Fort Dent Way # 100, Tukwila, WA 98188.